February 23, 2011
This half term is Medieval Week at The Potteries Shopping Centre.
Each day there will be a different Medieval themed event to entertain our shoppers. All events will be taking place outside River Island, at intervals from 10.30am to 3.30pm. There will also be a competition to win some great medieval themed toys; a Playmobil Take Along Sheilds set and a Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Magical Castle Playset. For the chance to win, simply fill in the form and pop it in the competition box outside River Island.
Wednesday, 23rd February – Medieval Magician Performances at 10.30am, 12 noon, 2.00pm and 3.00pm. This Medieval magician will definitely make our shoppers stop in their tracks with his amazing medieval themed magic tricks.
Thursday, 24th February – Medieval Puppet Show Performances at 10.30am, 12 noon, 2.00pm and 3.00pm. Watch the story of Robin Hood and the Monk being told through the glove puppet show. Shoppers also get involved in a bit of puppetry themselves. The puppeteer will gladly show those who are interested how to do puppetry with the rod puppets.
Friday, 25th February – Medieval story telling Performances throughout the day There will be a storyteller drawing in shoppers with his intriguing bite sized tales of times gone by.