May 9, 2011
The Hand & Foot Spa is to open in Fulham Road in London after signing a deal with landlord Chancery St James, advised by Kitchen La Frenais Morgan.
The London based beauty spa business will open a 1946 sq ft branch at 153 Fulham Road after signing for a 15 year lease for the site. The company will pay a rent of £70,000 PA.
The Hand & Foot Spa was founded by Donna Haar-Jorgensen who opened her first branch in Richmond in 2007. The beauty spa chain has since expanded to branches in Wimbledon Village – its biggest – and a site in Esher high street, close to Sandown Park racecourse before signing the new deal for the Fulham Road site. The new spa is due to open in June.
Landlord Chancery St James was advised by Kitchen La Frenais Morgan. The Hand & Foot Spa was unrepresented.