March 3, 2022

Redevco, one of Europe’s largest privately-owned real estate investment managers, announced Vincent Bacas to join its team in The Netherlands as Portfolio Director as of today. He will be reporting to recently appointed Co-head Client & Fund Management Thierry Cahierre, who is also responsible for Redevco’s global Asset & Development Management function.
Thierry Cahierre, Co-head Client & Fund Management at Redevco: “We are delighted to have Vincent join us. He has the challenging task to further transform our Dutch portfolio into a more diversified mix of assets beyond the predominantly traditional high street retail. With his broad background in real estate development and real estate advice in Residential, Retail, Hospitality, Leisure, Offices and Mixed-use, he is well-positioned to help Redevco execute on its strategy to grow and diversify.”
Vincent Bacas, Portfolio Director Redevco NL: “I have had the pleasure of already working with Redevco in my previous capacity and I look forward to continue to work on some of these exciting projects in this new role. It is great to be working with the experienced Dutch team on helping Redevco fulfil its mission to help cities become more sustainable and liveable places.”
Before joining Redevco Vincent was both Chief Commercial Officer and Chief Executive Officer at a family-owned group of companies mainly active in the broad area of the built environment, where he started in 2007. In this role he was responsible for strategic and commercial matters as well as innovation and business development.