Planning Approval for Brookfield Riverside – a major mixed use new town centre, retail, leisure and housing development for the Borough of Broxbourne

June 27, 2023

The Borough of Broxbourne and Hertfordshire County Council, together with their development partner Sovereign Peveril, have received planning approval for the £500m Brookfield Riverside development, part of the wider Brookfield masterplan including a new Garden Village, at Cheshunt, Hertfordshire. Approval was granted at a meeting of the Planning and Regulatory Committee on 20 June.

Seen as a significant future economic generator for the region, the new town centre and garden village will deliver the 1.1 million sq ft mixed use town centre development and 1,500 residential dwellings within a comprehensive and green Brookfield masterplan.

Brookfield Riverside, the new town centre, will be a major mixed use sustainable destination with retail, leisure, food and beverage, hotel, civic uses, workspace, assisted living, 250 apartments and parking for 2,000 vehicles. The adjacent Brookfield Garden Village will provide 1,250 new homes, a primary school, neighbourhood centre and other council facilities needed in the area.

One of the last areas in the UK to support a project of this size and concept, it is extremely well-located just north of junction 25 on the M25 London Orbital Motorway and alongside the A10. The New River, which was built in 1613 to supply London with fresh drinking water and flows through the site, will form a focal point of attraction for the leisure and restaurant elements.

The development will see improved road and junction infrastructure, together with new cycling and pedestrian links to connect to Cheshunt.

The new town centre meets the requirements of the Local Plan to maximise street level activity and the night time economy; creates a defined character of design and landmark buildings; public spaces focused on the New River; car parking to meet need; exceptional public realm with extensive planting and landscaping; integration with the existing retail park, M&S and Tesco stores; and a scale and mix to create vitality and viability.

Responding to the decision, Chris Geaves, Chief Executive of Sovereign Centros, said: “We, alongside our development partners Borough of Broxbourne and Hertfordshire County Council, are delighted to receive the go ahead for Brookfield Riverside, part of the wider Brookfield masterplan. This is a transformative urban regeneration project that will boost employment and economic opportunities in the region. It is one of London and the south east’s last regeneration opportunities on this scale and will create a new heart for shopping and leisure in this superb location. The local community’s feedback has been vital in shaping our plans for the new town centre and we are excited about the next phase in delivering the scheme.”

Ralph Jones, managing Director of Peveril Securities commented: “We are delighted to be associated with this development which is in a unique location on the edge of London and we very much look forward to bringing it to fruition.”

Councillor Lewis Cocking, Leader of Borough of Broxbourne said: “I am delighted that the Brookfield Riverside and Garden Village developments have been given planning approval after several decades of planning. This is testament to the hard work of all those involved in shaping the proposals to maximise the social and economic benefits to those that live in the Borough.

“The developments will create much-needed housing and affordable homes, a variety of leisure and retail facilities, including a new cinema and up to 2,500 permanent new jobs.  This will not only be good for the local economy, but will also have environmental benefits; the new town centre will be fully integrated with the public transport, cycling and walking networks and local people will no longer have to travel outside of the area for their shopping and leisure needs.”

Richard Roberts, Leader of Hertfordshire County Council and Chair of Hertfordshire Growth Board, said: “It’s great news that the Brookfield Riverside and Garden Village developments have been given the go ahead. These innovative and important projects will help us make sure that Hertfordshire remains a wonderful place for families to live, work and learn.

“We are committed to making sure that our county is home to well-designed, sustainable and thriving communities, and the Brookfield developments are excellent examples of how collaborative working can bring new places forward to make our residents’ lives even better.”

The decision follows the recently granted planning consent for the £700m Sunset Waltham Cross Film Studios development on a 91-acre site to the south of Brookfield Riverside.

Architects for the development are Lyons Sleeman Hoare.

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